Homemade Fly Spray (that really works!)
Remember, way about when, when flies didn’t bother us? (Well, rather, flies didn’t bother Adam and Eve…) Can you even imagine what that must’ve been like? Yes, I think of those times… when Adam was in...
View ArticleSally.
I don’t really want to write this post. I’ve been avoiding it for six days now. Because somehow, as my fingers stroke the keys, it makes it all so much more real. As many of our Facebook friends know,...
View ArticleHomemade Fly Spray (that really works!)
Remember, way about when, when flies didn’t bother us? (Well, rather, flies didn’t bother Adam and Eve…) Can you even imagine what that must’ve been like? Yes, I think of those times… when Adam was in...
View ArticleSally.
I don’t really want to write this post. I’ve been avoiding it for six days now. Because somehow, as my fingers stroke the keys, it makes it all so much more real. As many of our Facebook friends know,...
View ArticleHomemade Fly Spray (that really works!)
Remember, way about when, when flies didn’t bother us? (Well, rather, flies didn’t bother Adam and Eve…) Can you even imagine what that must’ve been like? Yes, I think of those times… when Adam was in...
View ArticleSally.
I don’t really want to write this post. I’ve been avoiding it for six days now. Because somehow, as my fingers stroke the keys, it makes it all so much more real. As many of our Facebook friends know,...
View ArticleHow to milk share with a calf.
There are many things I didn’t know how to do as a farmer before the situation was upon me. Lambing, for example. Do you know how many lambings I’d played midwife to prior to owning a sheep that was...
View ArticleComplete betrayal.
It was day-two of barn renovations yesterday and know I use the term “barn renovation” very loosely. For starters, it’s not exactly a ‘barn’, but since this is a farm, by golly I’m going to make it a...
View ArticleHow to milk share with a calf.
There are many things I didn't know how to do as a farmer before the situation was upon me. Lambing, for example. Do you know how many lambings I'd played midwife to prior to owning a sheep that was...
View ArticleComplete betrayal.
It was day-two of barn renovations yesterday and know I use the term “barn renovation” very loosely. For starters, it's not exactly a ‘barn', but since this is a farm, by golly I'm going to make it a...
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